Please join us in showing your support…

As an entirely volunteer run charity all net proceeds from the sale of our merchandise, and from our fundraising efforts directly benefit our chosen causes This year our beneficiaries include the National Foundation for Retired Service Animals – NFRSA and The Horse Trust, both of whom work amazingly hard to help former service animals in their retirement 

There are now many organisations, businesses and indeed individuals offering purple poppy merchandise, sadly not all for the benefit of the animals they claim to support. With MAPPC however you can be assured that monies raised will make a difference to animals in need today 

Thank you, and let’s make this, our 8th Purple Poppy Campaign, the very best yet! #TheyAlsoServed #WeWillBeTheirVoice #PurplePoppyDay

Our poster features Watchman VI mascot of the Staffordshire Regimental Association and reproduced with kind permission