Launched in 2016, Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaign pays tribute to animals lost in service, and to those who serve us today.

The purple poppy has long been a symbol of remembrance for animals lost in service but until recently was much less well known than the traditional red poppy.  The aim of our Campaign is to give the purple poppy its rightful recognition, and thus ensure that the animals who served and continue to serve are not forgotten.

We are extremely proud that our efforts over the years have raised significant awareness of the meaning of the purple poppy, and that many more are now being worn with pride. Thanks to your wonderful support we are also proud to have raised nearly £200,000 which has helped former Service animals in their retirement.   We help across all services including Police, Prison, Fire, Border Force and Military. And because we are entirely volunteer run every penny of the profits raised from our efforts directly benefits our chosen and very worthy recipients.

 Our 2024 Campaign is now underway and we are delighted to partner with two very special charities who will benefit from funds raised.  They are the Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund, and Fireside K9. Details of the great work they do can be found below. 

To everyone who has lent their support thus far, thank you, and to new supporters, welcome – together we will ensure that the contributions made, and continuing to be made by the animals are not forgotten, but remembered always. 


Operation Joey – A Coat of Purple Poppies for the Featherstone War Horse

Unveiled Friday 11th October by Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaign in partnership with Featherstone Town Council

Click on the image to find out more and to view our image gallery


To View Our Past Beneficiaries Please Click Here


When a police dog retires from active service they usually go to live with their handler and this means the handler will then incur all costs and responsibility. Fireside K9 is a charity to help assist with any medical costs incurred and support the retired police dogs of West Yorkshire. The dogs have looked after us all through their working life, now it’s our turn to return the favour and make sure they enjoy retirement to the full.

Find out more at


2025 will mark our 10th Purple Poppy      Campaign and a  special project is in the planning.  We can’t say too much just yet but a set amount from this year’s funds      will be allocated towards it.  More information will be available soon.

A further amount will go the the They Also Served Memorial Fund to provide memorial benches in locations across the UK. As always however, helping former service animals in their retirement will remain our priority.


The Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund was established to support dogs who have completed their service with British Transport Police (BTP). The Fund provides grants towards the cost of their care, including ongoing medical treatment, so these loyal and hardworking animals can enjoy a long and happy retirement.  For more information about their work please visit t

Download our 2024 Campaign Leaflet to find out more about us and our wonderful beneficiaries #theyalsoserved #purplepoppy


New stocks of Murphy’s Army beautiful hand made purple poppies are now on sale!  You can choose from the traditional ‘human’ version with pin back, or our specially designed animal version with Velcro fastening to attach to leads or collars. All hand made with love.
We also have our  highly collectible 2024 Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy pin badge along with a new addition this year – our stunning dog collar charm. Plus lots of other MAPPC merchandise to help you show your support too.
Just follow the links to place your orders. Alternatively, you can make a donation, also very much appreciated.



The Retired Service Animal Family is a collection of Charities and Organisations who are committed to helping former service animals in their retirement.  All  show passion and determination in helping to ensure that the animals who have served so bravely and loyally over the years are looked after when their service comes to an end.
We believe they also share the same ethos as that of Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaign which is love and respect – not just for the animals but for each other too. Please take a look at the great work these organisations do by clicking on the link below.


Marking the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

Our campaign this year marks the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.  We pay tribute to all who gave their lives that day, securing our freedom.   During the year we will be highlighting the contributions made by the animals, not just on this poignant day but throughout the Second World War.  Remarkable accounts of bravery and loyalty. This is just one of them..

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Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaign 2023 Raises £40,732!

We are absolutely delighted to announce that the total raised from this year’s Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaign is… £40,732.12… An absolutely remarkable achievement and we really cannot thank you all enough. So many people play a part in this campaign, and when we say it is run with love, it truly is…

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Remembrance Sunday 2023 – Myrtle Park, Bingley

As has become customary, it was an honour to attend the Remembrance Sunday Parade and Service at The Cenotaph, Myrtle Park, Bingley on behalf of the Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy team. One of our purple poppy wreaths was laid by our volunteer, Anita Robinson.  An extremely proud and poignant moment….

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Our sincere thanks to the following celebrities, and their beautiful pets, who have supported the Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaigns to date. If you would like to join them and show your support please do get in touch.

The Late Paul O'Grady MBE

David Essex OBE

Arlene Philips DBE

Katherine Dow Blyton

Chesney Hawkes

Will Mellor


Wearing their Murphy’s Army purple poppies with pride! Just some of the amazing pictures from our Purple Poppy Campaigns. Don’t forget to send us yours!


If you would like to contact us please do so using the following contact form. May we res[respectfully ask however that you do not contact us regarding availability of the Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy pin badges or knitted poppies.  We will let you know via this site as soon as they are in stock.
Please remember, we’re a small team made up entirely of volunteers but we will respond as quickly as we can

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