Here we have 500 beautiful purple poppies crocheted for us by the lovely Michelle
Michelle is just one of our amazing army of volunteers who knit or crochet for us throughout the year 

Perhaps you know that these purple poppies are hand made. But we wonder if you know just how much time is spent preparing them… the knitting or crocheting… adding pins for the ‘human’ poppies, velcro for the animal ones… bagging… counting into boxes for our ambassadors and outlets… packing and posting for the online sales
Hours upon hours (upon hours!) of work, and every minute given freely 

Each finished purple poppy costs just… £2.50, plus postage if needed. That’s barely the price of a take away coffee, but when added up makes a huge difference for the fabulous causes we support 

So when we say ‘Hand Made With Love’ we hope you’ll understand that they truly are