The Retired Service Animal Family is a collection of Charities and Organisations who are committed to helping former service animals in their retirement. All show passion and determination in helping to ensure that the animals who have served so bravely and loyally over the years are looked after when their service comes to an end. We believe they also share the same ethos as that of Murphy’s Army Purple Poppy Campaign which is love and respect – not just for the animals but for each other too. Please take a look at the great work these organisations do, across all services, and help if and where you can. And if you would like to be included please pop us a message via the contact form. #retiredserviceanimalfamily #theyalsoserved

Formed in 2020 the Association of Retired Police Dog Charities raises awareness of local RPD charities, promoting and supporting their work. They provide help and guidance to those wishing to set up their own local RPD charity, and publish a central directory of contact information for each of their members.
You can find your local RPD charity via the Association’s web site

The NFRSA is a registered charity set up to promote the care, well-being, and welfare of retired service animals from across the emergency service family, namely that of the Police, Fire & Rescue, Border Force, Prison, National Crime Agency, and NHS services.
When service animal’s careers come to an end due to either age or health issues, the financial support they’ve received whilst working, including food, kennels or stables, medical/veterinary requirements, training and equipment, also stops. Unfortunately, meaningful insurance is almost impossible to obtain because of their advancing years and/or training, and even if available, the premiums for retired animals are incredibly high. This obviously becomes an immediate concern for handlers who have their own financial obligations, and medical bills can be a serious challenge.
As is widely acknowledged, the relationship between an officer and their working partner is second to none, and it is unthinkable the pair may be separated due to financial pressure. Unfortunately, this does often happen, and it causes great distress for the handlers, their families, and of course the animals themselves. The NFRSA is therefore determined to help ensure these wonderful animals can, in their twilight years, stay where they belong; with the people they know and love. It’s the least they deserve when they’ve devoted most of their lives to keeping us, the public, safe. The charity motto sums it up perfectly; our job, together, is to ‘Protect Our Protectors’.
The NFRSA is also proud to help the existing local charities who have already been working incredibly hard to provide this vital support, by promoting their work and sign-posting those who need help, or would like to offer help, to the established organisations.
For more information please visit their website
The Tired Paws Foundation aims to provide support to the families of retired ex Prison Service dogs, who, unlike their handlers, do not get a retirement fund, despite their hard efforts throughout their careers. Many of the dogs who have been bred and specially selected and trained for their roles as sniffer dogs, riot dogs or to guard the perimeters daily, are retired earlier than planned on medical grounds. These dogs when retired are no longer the property of the prison and are retired without the possibility of becoming medically insured. This unfortunately means they can not always receive the veterinary care they desperately need.
For more information please visit their website